Product Mining for precise control of your product variety

Discover the potential of your products for sustainable success.

Product Mining Detail Concept of MYNR

Product complexity as an underestimated risk

80% of product connections remain invisible to companies

Product Mining brings to light: Hidden complexities in the product landscape that lead to declining margins escape the company's attention.

Iceberg model in connection with product complexity

Master the complexity of your product portfolio

Transform challenges into opportunities

– through in-depth insights, targeted optimization and strategic alignment –


Why should you understand product complexity?

A deep understanding of your product complexity is critical to making strategic decisions about resource allocation, product focus, and planning a targeted product strategy. This knowledge enables companies to maximize operational efficiency while ensuring a high level of customer focus by accurately addressing the needs and expectations of the target audience.

Illustration to understand product complexity and why it is important.

Using Graph Analytics to catalyze product excellence

In today's data-driven business landscape, using graph analytics to uncover hidden patterns, trends, and insights within your product portfolio is essential. This analytical approach enables your company to make evidence-based decisions, optimize product lines, and ultimately gain a significant competitive advantage. Regular, data-driven analysis ensures continuous monitoring and adjustment of the portfolio, which is essential for long-term planning and alignment of product strategy.

Illustration for the presentation of data analytics in the context of product excellence.

Benefits of optimized product complexity

Using graph & data analytics to precise control your product variety can bring many benefits to your business. In addition to increasing cost efficiency by eliminating inefficient product variants and improving market positioning, a focused product strategy also supports your company's sustainability goals by reducing resource consumption and minimizing the environmental footprint. In addition, by understanding and optimizing the supply chain through a more efficient product line, you can further reduce costs and improve delivery times.

Illustration of two people obtaining information via Product Mining.

Future-proof product strategies through continuous product mining

Product Mining is a systematic approach to continuously improve and adapt your product portfolio. Regular, data-driven analysis ensures that your product strategy is not only current, but also proactively aligned with changing market conditions and customer preferences. As a result, you can respond flexibly and quickly to innovation, increasing your competitiveness and customer satisfaction.

Illustration of a person showing that product mining is a continuous process.
White paper on Product Mining in 3 simple steps
White Paper

Kick-start with Product Mining

Product Mining in 3 simple steps

Areas of application for Product Mining

MYNR for efficiency and growth

Accelerate the performance and growth of your product portfolio with targeted strategies in key areas

Gain clarity with the Product Performance Check

Use the MYNR Product Performance Check to untangle the complexity and maximize the performance of each product. Our in-depth analysis process provides clear indicators of which products or components should be optimized to increase efficiency and market success.

Maximize portfolio results while minimizing complexity

With a focus on increasing performance and reducing complexity, MYNR uses comprehensive data analysis to optimize your product portfolio. By evaluating customer orders, bills of materials, product features, and production schedules, our system identifies the ideal operating point. It maximizes synergies and performs in-depth scenario analysis to accurately predict the impact on your business structures and processes. The result is clear direction for strategic decisions that lead to sustainable growth and improved market performance.

Protect your portfolio against demand & supply risks

With MYNR's in-depth analysis, you can identify at-risk products affected by demand and supply volatility. Our system mines your data, from customer orders to supply chains, and identifies single source risks and sales volatility. With this insight, you can take proactive steps to mitigate risk, secure sales, and strengthen the supply chain.

The path to standardization and modularity in your product range starts here.

Discover the key points for standardization with MYNR and prepare your products for effective modularization. Our targeted analysis will show you where modularization can optimize your portfolio, increase development efficiency, and accelerate market adaptation. Simple and effective.

Transform product configurations into sales successes

Discover the potential of data-driven packaging in your assortment. MYNR uses your order and product configuration data to create intelligent bundling solutions that drive sales. By analyzing customer orders and shopping carts, our solution identifies optimal product bundles and recommends standard features that provide the most value to your customers. This strategic bundling results in a simplified product configuration space and a more targeted customer approach. Get a ranking of your product features based on customer preferences so you can tailor your offerings to meet market needs.

Discover new product opportunities?  

Gain customized insight into the possibilities of product mining for your specific business environment.